
Thursday, July 10, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Moments

So there is very specific glue that holds all of my friendships together. For Emily and me it's talking shit about other women and television. For Ivan it's finding appropriate romantic comedies to suit everyday life experiences. And for cathy it's bonding over reality competition shows that "touch" us. She usually sends me links to dance routines that she likes on shows like "so you think you can dance" and "dancing with the stars" and sometimes if we're lucky we'll both be online at the same time and we'll watch these clips together from our respective living rooms and discuss them over gchat. It's really one of my favorite things to do, to share real life "moments" with cathy because i know that she understanding when i say that something makes me eeeeeeemotional. We also do this with george michael's songs and various versions of "wild horses" (PS Cathy, peep the version by charlotte martin. i'm just saying).

anyways today since ivan doesn't have a television (hello, i would die!!) i decided to compile links of the best and most eeeeemotional dances from this season of "so you think you can dance." I have become a master of my own time suckage but just bare with me. I decided to share my very very favorites with you guys. Not that i know what i'm talking about but for me dancing has everythign to do wiht the dancers ability to express something to you, some view of the world. There are some girls and guys on the show who are awesome dancers and are hot and stuff but just have no emotion. And then there are some who you wouldn't think are awesome but have turned out to be my favorites. But what i love is that it combines all of these things: dancers, amazing choreographers, and finally totally bomb music to create this beautiful medley of art.

so anyways i'll stop writing and just let them speak for themselves. here are my favorites of this season:
This one is, i believe, about a housewife and her overworking husband who is never around. and HELLO who doesnt' love this fucking song!??!! And initially when cathy sent me the routine i wasn't feeling it until about minute 1:28 and she busts out her eeemotions. it was then that i was sold. Also i mean who doesn't love a song that you can translate to "breeding rove."

This next one is my most favorite couple of all. He's like a street dancer i believe and she's a contemporary dancer. Intially i thought she was super lame when i saw her on the try outs and i was bummed she got picked but man was i wrong. she is the bomb!! This one is about a couple where the guy is gettign shipped off to war and it's all sad and shit. I really like how she has this very soft way of dancing. Like it's not intense popping and locking but it works in combination with him. man i just feel it!!

And last is my all time favorite routine of this season and maybe of the past 2 seasons i've watched too. It's a mia michael's routine and the story is about 2 people who are on separate paths and want to stay that way but their lives keep intertwining. I know it's silly but in a lot of ways i relate to this peice. bare with me. Alot of times i feel like i want to maintain my indepdence, and do what i have to do for myself and my career. and in many ways i have this fear that all of this desire for personal glory will prevent me from ever really being in a real vulnerable relationship with anyone. So when i hear this song and i see this girl dancing, fighting to assert herself but sort of failing at it because it's kind of impossible. and maybe i'm reading too much into it but it just touched me, ok! and the song is just amazingly moving

and on a final note, step up 2: the streets, is coming out on dvd!!! holler!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no matter how many times i watch so you think you can dance, i always get the shivers when that judge in the middle shreiks(sp?)out of nowhere

"i keep breeding, keep, keep, keep breeding rove..."