
Sunday, May 31, 2009

me, a road biker

guys!  i have become a city biker!!  and you know what, i hate every second of it.  seriously outdoor activities that force you to sweat and be in pain and struggle and challenge yourself are just not for me at all.  I am more of a mental work out person.  but nick is all outdoorsy and moderately athletic and he wants to bike everywhere and i don't want to always be the one that's let's take the bus (we can't afford cabs) so we bike places.  also the buses aren't always convenient or reliable so bikes really are the "better" option in terms of "yay!  we're going to make it home tonight!" Unfortch we sort of live at the top of a hill so the road to places is always awesome, relaxing and down hill.  but the trip home is always exhausting and just not the way you want to end your night, you know!  So anyways on saturday we biked to the bars 3 miles each way.  all uphill the way back.  i almost cried at one point.  i got off and walked a bit and i yelled at nick for making me do this.  And then i felt really embarrassed because i am so weak and out of shape. ugh.  Then yesterday we went to the zoo and then down to the waterfront, and then had a burger at thsi place called 5 guys, burgers and fries.  It was pretty good but i still think that in n out is better.  i'm just saying.  Anyways that whole trip was 7 miles!!!!!!!!!!   through up hills, downhills, dirt roads, rock creek park, etc.  there were lots of bikers on this tiny road zooming by and people running with ipods who dont' always see you so they dominate the whole biking trail and onetime this woman stopped very uprubptly in front of me and and i started breaking and yelling "excuse me!" and she didnt' hear me!  and then i finally stopped like harshly in front of her and yelled in her face "excuse me!!!!" and she took out her headphoens and was liek...oh sorry.  PEOPLE!!  take off the headphones!!  seriously it irritates me.  ok whatever anyways 7 miles. Then luckily nick let us take the bus home because i didn't think i could bike back up the hill. 

then we went back down to the waterfront for a movie, another 3 miles.  I saw Up which was awesome!  i swear i bawled through the whole thing.  Then we had drinks on the waterfront that we couldn't afford and biked back home at 2:00 am, for the 3 mile UPHILL ride.  UGHH!  guys, again i yelled at him and almost cried and my legs hurt so bad the the hills and i had to stop and walk 3 times and i had to wear a helmet because we were street biking.  and or course i wasn't wearing tennis shoes.  I was in a dress and some clark's sandals (not totally inappropriate) and i had lost my hair rubberband so all of my hair was just sweating stuck in my helmet.  

on the one hand you all should be impressed that i even accomplished any of these things.  But on the other hand you should be judging me because i suck at these sort of things that normal people love doing!  why!  i wish i loved excercise.  i wish i got endorphins and craved them.  i feel nothing but wretchedness!  i wish i enjoyed being sweaty and wearing ugly clothes that woudl allow me to do these sort of activities.  I wish all of these thigns but if i were any of them i wouldn't be me.  But then i know htat nick really enjoys these things and i would like to a certain extent share them with him and be able to do a 3 mile bike ride home, you know.  So today i'm going down to the flea market...maybe...and i'll do the ride back up alone, without anyone pressuring me, and i'll see if i can do it.  but then again i might also sit at home and watch "you've got mail" (thank you lifetime!) and knit until my fingers hurt.  

guy waht do i do

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

so i'm in in sin with my man.  there have been no major freak outs yet and we cleaned this weekend.  yay!  and it wasn't even because i said we should.  he insisted we clean as a way of "changing the energy of the room."  It's also really hot in DC.  like, the kind of hot where at some point in july i will officially stop going outside for fear of death by humidity asphixiation.  i want to move to LA so badly!  no humidity, no snow, no rain.  it's like the best thing ever.  

anyways important issue.  So nick and i are becoming city bikers.  yes, indeed friends, i am a city biker.  this is partially because we don't have money for cabs and can barely afford the bus or metro.  But this is also because we don't live anywhere near a metro and buses are shady so we need a way to get places quickly.  the only problem is that i can't use my purse when i ride and obvi i need some sort of satchel to carry all of my thingssssss (wallet, extra pair of shoes, thigh chaffing stick, snack in case we get stranded somewhere and i have one of my food freak outs).  So i don't really think this can be a purse of any sorts and i really want to go for something that can be carried eqally on both arms backpack style because of my bad pack.  So messenger bags are sort of out of teh question unless someone can argue with me htat a good messenger bag won't fuck up my shoulders.  so anyways back to this backpack.  i don't want it to be teh size of like a school backpack.  But i also want it to be fashionable!!  IN a perfect world this is what i'd want.  something sort of fun and retro school girl

unfortch this bag costs a whopping 750 on etsy.  hello!  that is ooc.  can you guys think of anything cool like this that is say in the 50 dollars or less range????  Here is another option that i have which is more functional and way less cute.  

woefully uncute.  but are city bikers ever cute?  i don't think so