
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

so i'm in in sin with my man.  there have been no major freak outs yet and we cleaned this weekend.  yay!  and it wasn't even because i said we should.  he insisted we clean as a way of "changing the energy of the room."  It's also really hot in DC.  like, the kind of hot where at some point in july i will officially stop going outside for fear of death by humidity asphixiation.  i want to move to LA so badly!  no humidity, no snow, no rain.  it's like the best thing ever.  

anyways important issue.  So nick and i are becoming city bikers.  yes, indeed friends, i am a city biker.  this is partially because we don't have money for cabs and can barely afford the bus or metro.  But this is also because we don't live anywhere near a metro and buses are shady so we need a way to get places quickly.  the only problem is that i can't use my purse when i ride and obvi i need some sort of satchel to carry all of my thingssssss (wallet, extra pair of shoes, thigh chaffing stick, snack in case we get stranded somewhere and i have one of my food freak outs).  So i don't really think this can be a purse of any sorts and i really want to go for something that can be carried eqally on both arms backpack style because of my bad pack.  So messenger bags are sort of out of teh question unless someone can argue with me htat a good messenger bag won't fuck up my shoulders.  so anyways back to this backpack.  i don't want it to be teh size of like a school backpack.  But i also want it to be fashionable!!  IN a perfect world this is what i'd want.  something sort of fun and retro school girl

unfortch this bag costs a whopping 750 on etsy.  hello!  that is ooc.  can you guys think of anything cool like this that is say in the 50 dollars or less range????  Here is another option that i have which is more functional and way less cute.  

woefully uncute.  but are city bikers ever cute?  i don't think so 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the more important thing is, are you gonna wear a helmet? if so, you can throw the whole cute thing out the window.

i wear a helmet :O)