
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, I love you

So a few of us had dinner tonight and watched the office (heart!) and then beauty and the geek. I tell you, sometimes this show throws me. There were some questions that we didin't know! we are phd students for fuck's sake! example "what are the first 7 words (or some number) of the gettysburg address?" now clearly somehwere in my plethora of knowledge that info is stored up there with how to spell things and do math. But at the moment we all looked at each other and were liek "fuck what IS it!" And then i was liek "wait wait wait, forescore and seven years ago....thank GOD we know it!" And we all breathed a sigh of relief. But i find it a bit sad how our knowledge becomes so specialized and in order to store the new knowledge our brain but finds ways to shrink and push back the old knowledge. There is a cognitive term for this that i also know but can't think of right now so i'll just call it "the more degrees i have, the dumber i get."

So I'm pretty much broke because all of my money has gone toward my orthodontic bills to pay for my TMJ treatments. Now i have a plastic piece in my mouth that acts as a cast making my jaw sit in a different place from where it usually sits so as to relieve my tempo mandibular joint pressure. Yes, very awesome. Basically i have a plastic retainer on my lower teeth and i have to eat with it because eating and sleeping is when the most pressure is placed on the TMJ so blah blah. I look like a geek wiht food stuck in my retainer and it's kind of disgusting and i brush my teeth like 6 times a day. to top it off it also exacerbates my lisp. it's ok though, cuz i'm on hiatus.

Oh in other news i have to make a confession. so i don't sleep very well. Part of me thinks it might be my stress but i guess it might also be this whole teeth clenching thing. but anyways i decided to say fuck it and just go buy one of those "serenity now" sleeping cd's. I went to the new age section at borders and there were so many options! i was like....hmm should i get ocean sounds or should i get "pure moods" the 5 cd box set. In the end i opted for some cd called "peaceful: music for sleep." but being a consumer whore, this is why i bought it. check out what the cover says.

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's clinically proven musical system helps you fall sleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested and refreshed. Meditative melodies, flutes, piano, guitar, and strings, embedded with Delta Wave Pulses irresistibly lull you to sleep

tell me you would not have bought that!! hello it sounds awesome. i dont' know what the fuck delta wave pulses are but i can imagine that they are useful and shit. so anyways i've been using it for the past week and i find it all very embarassing and this will definitely go into my folder of "shameful single behavior" that i will surely hide from my future significant other. But seriously i kind of love it!! Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has other ones too liek "ambient: music for sleep" and "serenity: music for sleep." I'm thinking i need to mix it up and maybe get a few of these cd's and just rotate them. If anyone would like a copy of my cd it's a 1 hour clip. i will send you that shit because i am a good person like that.

So i leave you with some poetry

But my heart, is a house
Will you come, and move in
Leave a space, for us to give
It's the sound, that I want
It's the low, belting cough
It's the size, of my heart,
It's the house, can we start.

No i didin't write it because i don't write poetry. but i like the song and the words are very, how you say....i don't know. I just like them.

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