
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

How i am apparently a racist against my own people

So i was watching the Hills today (last night's episode) and there was this brilliant editting moment. Let me describe. So they justapose this scene of LC at Brody Jenner's birthday in Vegas chilling at the pool and drinking and being fabulous at Pure along with Heide and Spencer in LA eating at Don Antonio's. The reason this scene cracked me up was because sometimes i feel like i wish i was in a serious relationship and engaged or married or whatever shit like that. but then there are moments when my life is so fabulous, like LC in Vegas. And i think to myself "my life would not be this fabulous if i were married and had a house and non Ikea furniture and didn't have roommates." Instead my life might be like Heidi's, no friends eating second rate mexican food with my douchebag fiance. But my life isn't like that. My life does have it's moments of fabulosity. So what i'm saying is, there are pros and cons. clearly this is all subjective and someone else might have watched the show and thought "wow LC's life is lame. Heidi's life is awesome!" But for me heidi's life was my worst nightmare.

oh want to see something funny. This is some guy that came to our house party a few weeks ago and found it racist. What makes me laugh is like...hello we are in michigan. liek how mexican can a party be? if i could have made mole and hired a mariachi band and drank don julio tequila and done el grito at midnight i would have. but instead i had a pinata and mexicans flags and virgen mary candles because that is what i can get in Michigan.


Anonymous said...

1. wtf is el grito?
2. this guy, what a douche! sounds like a passive-aggressive ingrate to me.

Anonymous said...

i had to commetn b/c this post was funny in so many ways (some direct, some not so direct) but my cccuession to you is, was this guy even invited to your party? it's people like him that make me hate people in academics, especially higher education. swear.
