
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

best of PR!!

as i wallow in kidney failure i figured i'd look on to better times and pick the top PR pics!! no text, because in the end, no words, should have sent a poet. you know. Ok wait maybe just brief text,

Old San Juan, i liked the colors and ivan's pose.

Bobby and i trying to recreate old pictures of my mom and dad when my mom had a jumper. I threw this jumper on in the elevator right before taking this picture. Note bobby's crazy calve muscles. two words, "up stroke!"

the terrible shirt ivan had to buy at walgreens because he needed a collard shirt to get into club Brava. Club totally worth it. Also totally worth it to see ivan throw a hissy fit and scream "i'm wearing armani!! that man is wearing airwalks!! airwalk shoes! fucking heternormative rules! this would never happen at a gay club! never!!"

fraburous... oh. me and ivan with totally awesome rainbow that turned into a double rainbow later

posing for our fake brangelina W type spread where i am the scorned wife who knows she is married to a homosexxxxual but still stays with him for the money.

and finally, my favorite picture, my life's work if you will. The true fabulous transformation of cathy in to Kate Kikoman. Who knew palazzo pants could look so good on a short asian girl. i applaud you.

1 comment:

Casey said...

You are a centimeter away from camel toe in that jumpsuit picture. You do look just like the ol' mom, though.