
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"pilot your pussy!"

yes that title was a bit graphic but please please watch these videos and you will understand. yes this is for reals. Her name is Alexyss K. Tylor and she has a public access show in atlanta called Vagina Power which she co hosts with her mother. The basic concept is that she wants to help women harness their pussy power so that they can be in control over men's penis power. It is kind of ridiculous and ivan and i both died separately many times over. they are long but trust me, thye are worth it. And this especially goes out to those female friends of mine who don't know how to exxxcape dickmatization. for reals for reals! I especially love the part where she says "he caynt even take you to no long john silver's for a fish platter! that's like 2.99!! he won't even pay 2.99 for no long john silver's so why you givin in to the penis power! pilot your pussy!"

in this second clip she has dressed up for halloween as a pilot, the pilot of her own pussy

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

omg! her vagina is cooold

too good!!!