
Friday, April 06, 2007


i just heard the most lovely story. It all started when tory and i were discussing how to make Quinoa. I bought some at TJ's the other day as an attempt to get back to my mayan/inca/aztec roots or whatever. dude this shit is the BOMB! seriously the consistency is relaly good and it's basically what cous cous is to pasta, quinoa is to rice. So anyways it was good which got us talking about how tory really wants to abandon her life as a new york hipster to take a cheesemaking internship at which poitn she will learn how to make cheese and earn the title of "cheesemonger." Very exciting stuff!! But in the end it seems that cheesemongering doesn't really give you many options so we opted for another story. She is just going to learn all about different cheeses and impress people at cocktai lparties. And someday when she is old and rich she will buy a farm and have a fromagerie. But in my version of the story she will be some old well travelled woman who lets the wind carry her. and she spends time on this farm that is covered with wierd ecclectic art made by her wierd hippie art commune friends. And she wears nothing but mexican dresses when she's on the farm and perhaps even walks around barefoot, which could be dangerous with the hay. Anyways she makes cheese and starts a website and then a man emails her and says that he loves her cheese and would love to come and live for the summer on her farm so he could learn to make such wonderful cheese. Well they email back and forth for a while and then finally he comes and stays and they fall in love MAKING CHEESE!! and it's like so beautiful and romantical and like a modern day cheese version of "you've got mail." Then she sent me this link. So does anyone out there read orangette? I think emily does. It's a recipe website of this woman. Well check this shit out. She stole my story, minus the cheese

most romantic story

food nerds falling in love!

1 comment:

Emily said...

dude it's kind of better to read the story on the orangette website because it feels so much less awkward when they are only written about instead of like semi-nervous food nerds with flaws on the video. anyway i DO read orangette and that story is entirely absurd especially when you read all the little cute food stories that they have about each other.