
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I am a little drunk right now so bare with me. my friend got engaged today...ON THE FACEBOOK!! i think there are few things worse than hearing about a friends engagement on teh facebook. i mean general facebook engagements i find to be extremely offensive and an afront to all womenkind. rub it in bitches! no seriously, if you are old enough to be engaged perhaps you are old enough to not be using the facebook. This might be teh first person i know who is getting married. I mean peopel you knew from 4 years ago dont' count because they have most likely changed, but peopel you have seen in the past 4 months getting engaged, that is a whole other ball game. and then her friend left her a message about being "in the club" and she said yes i'm "in the club." What the fuck is this club!?? not that i want to be in teh club perse bu ti want someone to want to be in teh club with me. does that make any sense? anyways i was feeling really down because i generally tend to hate insipid women who find men to marry them when i know so many fascinating women who cannot get people. is there no justice in teh world! but more than that i hate people who have their life figured out because i am nowhere near having my life figurd out. and i don't want it figured out quite jsut yet but i'd like to know that somedya in liek 3 years i will have a plan and that plan will actually follow through. that sentence made no sense.

anyways i was feeling very....twin peaksish...very out of emotions in my vagina where going out of control so i ran to trader joes for some wine because ifelt there was no better way to christen this already shitty day than with some shiraz. it is now 2 glasses later and i'm watchign dancing with the stars. i'm sure you are all judging me bu ti have to tell you about one of the most awesome things i have ever witnessed on television IN MY LIFE.

imagine this...survivor, singers of "eye of the tiger" singing LIVE ON STAGE with professional dancers doing the tango in capes and boxer's outfits!! and teh lead singer is wearing a pirates shirt and leather pants and PEARLS!! pearls goddamnit!! thsi song is so powerful. it almost makes me forget my bitterness. or maybe it's the wine. i dont' know but it's all so very eeemotional, so much so that i have to rewind 2 times to watch it again because it really touches me.

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