
Saturday, January 13, 2007

things i want to do

the past few days cathy's and I's conversations have been heading in the "what am i doing in my life!" direction. the main breakdown was about Wednesday when cathy realized that she had no assets. I had to calm her down by reminding her that my biggest asset is a $300 red corduroy couch i purchased at ikea. Of all the things to "own" why that? Anyways i had to remind her what i remind myself and David quite often which is that our lives are not going to be "normal." We are not going to do "normal" things like settle down by 25 and have window treatments and babies at 28 and take our kids to little league etc etc. We are most likely going to travel alot, live life to it's fullest, get married in our 30's to men who understand our needs, again not have normal marriages but good marriages, not have normal kidss but good kids and though things will be different that doesn't make them bad. But i guess it is hard to have the picture perfect life fantasy ruined and realize that by 30 you will be graduating and then you'll have to find a job and start working for tenure and busting your ass, and really when would you have children and even if youdid have children how woudl you spend time wiht them let alone your husband.

And then we started thinking of all the things hadn't done yet as far as the whoel "by 25 i thought i'd be doing this." when i was a teenager 25 seemed really old, like by then i'd have my life figured out and i'd be in that place where my life was officially starting. I'm 2 months away from 25 and i realize i have nothing figured out. And the life that is starting is not the life i imagined. But you know what, i've travelled to europe 3 times, i've gone all over mexico to my mother's hometown, i've done the carribbean, i've been to vegas, i've camped, i've read, i've seen, i've done a lot. Cathy has been travelled through asia on her own. We have done alot. So maybe we don't have retirement plans and 401k's and stocks and maybe my biggest asset is a tacky couch. but really people save up their retirements to live life the way that we do now. that old saying about "youth is wasted on the young." i don't want to fulfill that.

Anyways as C was buying rice a roni at the local market we started thinking about all the things we need to do before we get settled down and married, cuz married people can't go out and have fun with their friends the way that we do. it's a bit reckless and "adults" are not reckless. But i still want to be reckless. As cathy put it "i want to go somewhere i can piss and vomit and get drunk and have my friends hold my hair. I don't want to like, vomit, in front of my husband!" Truth, she speaks the truth

so here is the list, places that my friends have to travel before we get married and can't do such things anymore:

Argenteeeeeeeena and south america more generally speaking- take a tour of the pampas and maybe visit uraguay and a tribal visit perhaps to the amazon, eat lots of steaksssss maybe go to the galapagos or something

roadtrip through the south - incluing shooting guns, going to a country western bar or i guess it would just be called a bar over there. Perhaps going through the florida everglades, definitely hitting up hotlanta and maybe a civil war reinactment, murtyle beach.

Camping - anywhere, with an RV, eemagine

Ethhhhhpana - ok we are doing it this summer so we can check that one off the list

Ghana and other parts of africa - so i saw a special anthony bourdain did on ghana and it was so awesome! they eat lots of pork and fish and put spicy pepper sauces all over it and make wine out of the insides of palms and they arethe makers of kente (spelling) cloth and it just sounded HELLA cool! Anthony bourdain makes everything look hella cool though

Portugal - to fulfill my life long dream of doing what i call the "candide" tour. All the places candide went to in europe (before he made it to south america).

Russia or as cathy calls it "doing the transiberian rail road" - drinking lots of vodka, maybe clubbing with meka,

and last but not least

HHHHHapon - eating lots of noodles, trying ot find an underground car club/racer/drifting society, dressing like a harajuku for reals.

Basically we totaled it out if we did one of these eveyr year before we got married we woudl not get married until we were 31 or 32. Hmm, don't know if that is exactly going to work. so in the end we comprosied that we supposed we could still do all of these things and have annual "friend only" trips, no significant others, so we could still drink and get belig. but then i guess the new deal has to become no babies before we do this stuff.

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