
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Me and My ssssss's

so last night Cathy came and picked me up so that we could go shopping for a wedding dress. Cathy's getting married!!! haha no no J to the K. She is attending a wedding and needed a dress to wear. It's for some girl who lives in time square in new york and is hella rich and hella aZian. check out their website It's kind of awesomely bad as all wedding websites are. My favorite part is the proposal section where leon talks about taking out the "teal blue box" how original, and feeling "pearls of joy in his soul" after Jane says yes. I've never been proposed to so i don't know if i too would feel pearls of joy but in the meantime i can only mock. I love it! Point being cathy somehow got invited to what is expected to be a very posh affair and she needed a fashion makeover, stat. If she were left to her devices she would show up in a cotton day dress and some Steve Madden kitten heal sandals. It would be truly tragic! These are Azian women! they dress well! I understood her plight because i too am short and find it difficult to find dresses with the right proportions. Anyways we found a black dress and a brown dress with a teal ribbon. I know, sounds wierd, but it works.

so on the way home Cathy started elongating her sssssss's and talking about my lisp and then she asked me why i never fixed my lisp. I then decided i felt it was necessary to tell the story of one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, the day i found out i had a lips. I was 18 and visiting knott's scary farm with my friends. There were a couple random friend of friends people there and one girl named Serena. I only knew serena from Religion class because that was my class where i got to socialize with the non honors students, the plebians. I hated that class. Anyways Serena was talking to me and was like "Cristina, you have a really cute lisp, you know that." In retrospect Serena was kind of butch, a volleyball player, and she might have been hitting on me. Anyways the rest of the convo went like this

Cri: "um....haha....what do you mean? I don't have a lisp."
Serena: "yeah you do. Well it's more like you elongate your sssss's but you definitely have it"
Cri: No i don't!!!! (turn to other friend who i have known since i was 3). Do I have a lisp???
Other friend: Yeah...
Cri: why didnt' you ever tell me!!!
Other friend: We thought you knew! You didn't know!!
Cri: No!!!

This sent me in a gigantic, whirlwind shame spiral. When i got home that night i asked my mom "did you know i had a lips, mom?" My mom responded "yes I did. We were going to take you to speech therapy when you were younger but the doctor said it wasn't bad enough to put you through that." I was in shock! shock! eeemainge you never knew you had a speech impedement and suddenly at age 18 you find out you did and everyone knew you did but you. so tramatic. when i read Harry Potter later in my life i started thinking that maybe my sss's are kind of like parsel tongue or something. so anyways ever since then i have tried to appre-ceeeee-ate the sss's in my life. Anyways i hope this helps to kind of explain my lingo where i write things like "ssssssexual" and "apreccccceeeate" and stuff like that. Maybe take some time today and try to appreeeecceeeeate the "s" in your life.

On another note my housing in Michigan has been finalized and i can move in next friday. yay!! Originally they weren't going to let me move in until the 1st so I was going to have to sleep in a hotel or something for a week. The other day when i road my bike to the mall i stopped at Macy's because i had this idea that i could buy a mattress here and pick it up at a store location there. how very narrow minded of me. I had totally forgotten that they don't even HAVE Macy's out there! Which begs the more important shopping question. What DO they have in Michigan??? What if their malls suck? what if the best store they have is like Kohl's! Orges, can we go shopping in chicago??


Anonymous said...

baby, you know that i got your shopping needs covered

Anonymous said...

Ivan: I've always noticed your lisp, but I just figured you were always completely aware of the fact and that no discussion was needed. Just because you sounds like Ccccindy Brady, doesn't make it the end of he world.