
Saturday, June 17, 2006

"I'm not Josie Grossie anymore!!"

So I have a stomach ache probably from too much tequila and Doritos and sun but anyways I can’t sleep and I was laying in bed only to find one of the best surprises! “Never Been Kissed” is on TV. God I tell you I not so secretly love this movie. It’s up there with “The Wedding Planner” in my list of movies that truly get better the more you watch them. "You saved my choo." Need i say more.

I remember when I was in high school my friend Ryan and I secretly went to see this movie. We made sure to go to the ghetto side of the del amo mall where we knew no one would catch us. This was the same empty theater where we saw "10 things I hate about you" and "spice world," the latter being one of the only things i regret in my life. Why?? Anyways I love the part where she flips out at prom and tell everyone stupid they are, cuz I wanted to do that. Granted I was not a full on Josie in high school but I had the minor chunk and the braces and my hair was going through some change where it went from straight to curly. It was rough times. I think in some way all us nerds can relate to this story. Anyways Josie always reminded me and Ryan of this girl that we were friends with, and I won’t name names but I really hope that she is not 24 never having been kissed, although something tells me it’s very likely that this is the case.

Actually since we are going down memory lane i had this recollection of my friends and i deciding one summer that we'd spend our free time writing fan mail and hate mail to our favorite stars because we found some book that had addresses of the stars. I know, you don't need to say it, it's LA. So anyways one letter that sticks out is the one we sent to Drew Barrymore where we told her that she really was a pretty girl but why did she feel the need to always expose her breasts and act slutty and stupid and make crappy movies of the "Poison Ivy" variety. I think it's funny how everyone makes drew to be this sort of mother goddess, america's sweetheart, and how quickly we forget the early days of drug addiction of breast flaunting. BTW if you have never seen Poison Ivy i highly recommend it. Anyways the letter was sent back, but after that she did stop making crappy movies.

But more importantly this movie was the beginning of my obsession with Michael Vartan. I love when Drew is in the middle of the baseball field and she’s about to give up hope and she sadly drops the microphone in slow mo and then kind of shrugs her shoulders like “it’s ok I didn’t expect any less.” And then…he shows up in all his glory and made all of us young nerds thing “someday I’m gonna get a bomb makeover and get in touch with my inner waif and a hot man will fall for me for my beautiful soul and intellect.” Le sigh...Look into his sexinesss...he is the only real reason i watched Alias. MMmmmm

yeah i really had to purpose in writing that other than to say that i love michael vartan.

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