
Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm alive, i'm a mess

thanks for all the support guys...i've really been enjoying my spring break with no one around. Nick is here for his last week of fun with me before he moves and we have NON STOP watched television, which you can only imagine has been a dream come true. I've never let anyone watch that much tv with me. This must be love. I introduced him to dexter, which i've seen before, and now he's obsessed with it and we are on season 2 disc 3 after only 4 days of the series.

On another note, in looking at the 2009 spring fashion photos I have to say that quite a few things make me extremely happy

  1. the resurgence of the platform shoe! Guys, platforms are awesome because they can be high and give you the benefit of wearing a heel without the pain since your foot doesn’t actually have to be in the arched position. They are awesome
  2. bright colors mixed with brown leather. I’m LOVING all of the bright colored fabric and mixes of patterns.
  3. the fact that the mini short has not died. Confession” I love mini shorts. I DO! I look really good in them and so they make me really happy

a few more things without any particular order: vests, the occasional romper, and boat shoes

things that I’m happy i did not see: espandrelles

on a more serious note as I am soon to be reaching the ripe old age of 27 I have been thinking a lot about what kind of 30 year old I want to be. Do I want to be the kind that people say “oh she looks good but she’s a bit out of shape" (aka a typical phd student). Or do I want to be the kind where people say “damn that girl has her shit together!!” I’ve decided that it has to be the latter. It cannot be any other way. And so consequently I have decided that instead of my spurts of exercise here and there it has to become a lifestyle change and I have to learn to love gyms. I am making myself a work out regime which includes running, elliptical, pilates dvd, and I’m gonna add weights soon. Basically clothes makes me endlessly happy and when I can’t dress well I get sad. I need to have the freedom to wear what I want without worrying about rolls! Also I went to the gym 3 times this last week and twice this week. and I really pushed myself with dripping sweat and ass pain and I think I felt endorphins. Like I felt good the rest of the day! Maybe I too can become addicted to “exercise”! Suggestions for you folk, I have moved away from the running mix and decided to stick exclusively to podcasts (this American life, latino use, talk of the nation, etc) and I find that this motivates me to stay on the machine far more than music does. I want to keep listening to the stories so I keep working out. I’m just saying, as a suggestion if you feel whole heartedly unmotivated. Also I forget what I’m doing when I’m really emotionally invested in a story and I get my daily dose of news. And I look forward to going because I’m like, “oh I get to listen to this American life!” I know right! Anyways I’m doing another detox during the second week of lent if anyone wants to join me from afar. No dairy, no bread, no sugar, no meat = cleanse.

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