
Tuesday, July 01, 2008


guys, so i need your advice. I have 2 options for this 4th of july weekend. My roommates are out of town, ie my totally awesome bff's so that kind of plays into me deciding what to do. ok so here are my two options

1. my lover has been out of town for a week and won't be back until sunday so he asked me to come out and visit him at his family's house in grand rapids. I assume this will entail a visit to the lake or maybe some type of outdoor bbq with Grand Rapidians (yes, this is a real word).

pros: might get to visit the lake and see my man
cons: might not get to visit the lake and will have to spend the weekend with strangers

2. A few friends are throwing BBQ's including one that is a slip n slide bbq.
pros: i could potentially get HELLA drunk and eat lots of awesome bbq foods
cons: the people at this bbq are not my besties, and are mere acquaintances so there will be lots of lame small talk. my real besties like i said are not in town. And when i finally am hella drunk i will come home to be alone in my bed.

guys, what should i do????????

1 comment:

Silvs said...

meet the parents. it was a great movie anyway. besides, you'll be with your luv-ah.