
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taxes and Snow Storms = one in the same

guys, there is nothing like doing your taxes to make you realize how poor you are, and worse insignificant in the grand scheme of things. 95% of the questions do not relate to me. I have no assets, i do not own a house or a hybrid, and i am not eligible for any credits. The only thing i am apparently eligible for is food stamps. My roommate and i contemplated the idea of rolling into whole foods with our $200 government subsidie check and proceeding to buy ridiculous amounts of organic foods. Poor people need hormone free chicken too!! But seriously my dad would die of shame so clearly i won't. I also had to fill out the FAFSA for a grant i am applying to and it asked me how much money i had in my bank account and how much "cash on hand you have." I won't embarrass myself by listing the amount over this here internet production but let's just say it's less than most of your monthly FICA tax.

In other news it's spring, and by spring i mean it's snowing. I seriously don't even remember what not cold felt like. I only know gradiens between freezing and slightly less freezing. I keep tricking myself by wearing lighter jackets and "accidentally" forgetting my gloves. But none of this actually provokes the sun to come out and i just end up with frozen hands. I mean it's mid march! in California we would be like a week away from summer. I was cited as saying in one of my drunken moments of genius "March is like a bad boyfriend. It treats you all sweet and warms up for like a day and then BAM, it just gets all cold on you again as soon as you get used to it. MARCH TELLS LIES!" Now imagine me in some ridiculous outfit trapesing around in the snow screaming this a the top of my lungs, and you will really get the picture.

So yeah, this is just a minor update to say I'm alive, I'm a always


Unknown said...

When I lived in Ireland I just got sick of the cold and started wearing flip flops out of protest.

Casey said...

Oops, that was me, Casey, who commented. Ah, sharing a computer...

Emily said...

It is a known fact that white people believe that they can bring spring early by wearing a pair of shorts on any day that is above seasonal temperatures. This myth runs so deep that they will often wear shorts the following day when temperatures drop, at which point they will refuse to recognize that it is cold.
--stuff white people like

i on the other hand wear coats all the time even though it's san francisco, not that cold, and getting warmer. i am so ridiculous.

i really need to do my taxes.