
Sunday, November 19, 2006

So I'm in LA which is like 80 degrees or so. David came up last weekend and we had good times. Things i have learned about myself. I've changed. I like football, or rather i like winning. Fuck Notre Dame! fuck USC! Especially fuck notre dame! My mom and i spent last Friday visiting Benny and baby sitting him for a few hours. Isn't he cute

All he did was cry so that was kind of lame but he's still super cute. I can't until he does stuff. Then David came into town and we watched the big game on Saturday. I got to show him all the cool spots of LA like the Redondo pier and the AMC 20 on Crenshaw. More importantly we drove to the grove and saw the American Girls store. Now I never actually had an American Girl doll because my mom thought they were silly and overpriced and i must say it has been something that has haunted me for life. David's sister on the other hand did have an American Girls doll and he confessed that he kind of secretly wanted one when he was really little because he loves historical fiction. This store was crazy. It had a hair salon for you to take your doll so that her tangles could get brushed out for the low low price of 20 bucks. It also had a hospital where you could take your doll to get broken arms and hair to get fixed. It was surreal and there were all of these little blond girls walking out wiht bags of doll clothes and dolls and accessories and i felt supremely jealous.
Then we went to watch the planes take off from LAX which led to some awkward encounters as we soon realized that we were actually at the local make out point. We were the only nerds not making out because we were actually watching the planes take off. Being the loser that I was growing up I had never actually been to a make out point so i never realized how gross they were. There were all of these SUV's and people would randomly get out of them, watch the planes, get back in them, fog up the windows, etc etc. It was gross.

Aaaaanyways a short list in no apparent order of the awesome (read kind of lame) things that i have done while in LA

- seen lots of movies: Marie Antoinette (knew it was gonna be bad but mom recommended it for the sake of watching the "excess."), Casino Royale (seriously this movie was the dick! it was really good), The Departed (really really good. I am oddly reattracted to leonardo dicaprio after all these years. The one man where i say "yes, keep the facial hair!")

- reminsced about 90210 with cathy because this show was seriously good

- sent myself into even more debt by purchased 90210 season1 on DVD which was completely worth it.

- got hella drunk with casey and emily and watched said 90210 DVD only to note that the OC is so very not original and totally jacked entire scenes from this awesome show

- drove my mom's BMW, so choice

- drank and watched Tokyo Drift. I will admit something, i secretly love the Fast and the Furious franchise of films. I also secretly love japan and want to be a harajuku girl.

- discovered the glory of stuffing. how is it so good!

- watched entire first season of "how i met your mother" because, i'm not gonna lie, this show is pretty good. It's like friends during it's glory days (don't act liek you didnt' watch friends and like it. we ALL watched friends). Also felt really old when casey, emily, and I did the math and realized that on season 1 of friends they were 23 years old. younger than us! ugh so disturbing.

I have nothing really to say. I am feeling nostalgic for my post college angst years so i'm watching "kicking and screaming." Favorite line of post college nostalgia flick (a genre that emily and I coined after watching this, "reality bites" and "st. elmos fire"). The character just graduated from college and teh night of his graduation begins to ponder what he is going to do with his life.

"you know, what I used to be able to pass off as a bad summer could not potentially be a"

1 comment:

Emily said...

three things.
1 - LIVEBLOG! make casey email it to you.
2 - stuffing is the best. really.
3 - now i get here i don't remember what 3 was. i had three comments earlier today but the comment page wasn't loading, so i came back to it later. i will replace my original, forgotten 3rd comment and just reiterate how that is seriously the cutest baby i have ever seen.