
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i'm up and then i'm down again

Yesterday i was praising myself for being "so on top of my shit, it's not even funny!" I had my problem set done 3 days early, leaving me enough time to go to office hours. office hours! i have never been able to go to an office hours in my life becuase i've never started problem sets earlier than the night before they were due. Grad school guys....i'm always amazed by myself. I kept telling people "i am so on top of my shit! is this what it's like to be a taiwanese student at stanford! or an Azzzian or an indian???!" fun with stereotypes, true story

today is a totally different story. Today i'm going into my seminar not having read a word of the assigned readings. Why do i think i can get away with this, you ask. Well the class is taught by a tiny german man and there are 4 people in it, and today's lecture is on motivation, and hello i'm taking a whole other class on motivation so somethign just makes me feel like i can make this shit up and get away with it. Also i just didn't want to read 80 more pages on motivation. it seemed silly.

on a random aside, i hate learning about motivation. it's so one sided and they spend so much time arguing about theories and like...can we just agree on one theory of motivation, fix that one up, and be done with it. Also can we stop using "students at a predominantly middle class, mid western university" as our subject pool ie White midwesterners. but mostly i hate motivation theory because my office mate (aka crazy red headed teach for america buff who is overly excited about everything and acts super nice but under her facade of happiness is actually really condescending) anyways she fucking loves motivation and seeing how motivated she is just fills me with anger. Because basically this class i an opportunity for her to talk ad nauseum about motivaiton, and let's be honest. i just can't stand her voice and htat is that.

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