
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

showers and such

soooo today i did a lot of things: reading for classes, buying frames, putting up wall decor to make my room less hollow looking, and I WENT TO THE GYM. i know, who cared, but this all comes as useful information when you hear the next part. so imagine this...i'm all sweaty and gross from biking all over and from gyming it up. I get home and the water in our house has been strangely turned off. Apparently one of my roomies forgot to switch the bill to their name so, oops looks like we didnt pay our bill. this would never happne if i were in charge of the bills. NEVER!!! Anyways point being i have a major eeemergency. I am sweaty and gross and have no means of showering until they turn on our water sometime tomorrow afternoon or whatever but here is the rub, i have orientation tomorrow at 8 am! ahhh!! this is my one chance to make friends! this is like my opportunity to rise from the shadows of my basement room! and now i have no means of showering! so i consulted my etiquette advisor, bobby, and he suggested if go back to the gym, with my products, and take a shower there. so now i'm gonna drive to the gym, which has no parking....find parking, use their facilities and come back home and like do my hair and shit. i cannot look a hot mess tomorrow. tomorrow is my day! fuck

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