
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

LA by bike

my readers I must share with you the most spiritually cleansing twin peaks experience i have ever had in my life. I went to drop off my car so that it could be shipped to michigan. I didn't have anyone to drive me home since everyone is at work so i was planning on getting in touch with my fellow angelinos by taking the bus. I know right! the bus in la! anyways turns out no bus would get me from this place to my house so i had this brilliant idea to ride my bike. I mean let's forget the fact that oh i don't know, i am really out of shape, i can barely run for 2 minutes straight before i have to start walking. And let's just ignore the fact that i haven't ridden a bike since like freshman year of college. To me this was more of a challenge than anything. could i do it? i figured the ride was about 5 miles give or take. I didn't really know how long it would take me but i knew that i would just keep riding until i hit my house no matter what it took. Holy fuck it was the most intense experience of my life! it was 5.6 miles of biking through the ghetto of carson into the harbor gateway. There were pot holes, dirt roads, poorly paved roads, i had to ride over the 110 freeway at one point. I definitely thought i was going to die more than once. I even got caught in a net of some sort. It was....yeah. Cathy said that riding my bike through LA meant "You officially earned your badge as a Mexican. Like you probably got a shade or two darker." and i agree since the only other people riding their bikes right now were my fellow mechicanos on their way to some job i'm sure. I think i definitely felt an endorphin kick in there. I even had to put air in my tires cuz all the backroading i was doing flattened my back tire. it was that INTENSE!!! also i'd like to send some positive energy to the am/pm gas attendant who didn't make me pay for air even though "by law you have to buy gas in order to get air." i was like "um...i'm on a bike so i don't really need gas." Thank you my friend. I shall pay it forward someday.

So my recommendation to you, people, ride a bike someday to some destination you'd normally drive to. Perhaps it will change your view on life too. i guess i'll be doing a few more of these bike rides since i am without car for the next couple of weeks. It will be like high school again only in high school i had a car. so basically it will suck. Maybe i can ask my friends to drop me off at parties and the mall and the local amc 20 and stuff.

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