
Friday, October 24, 2008

ooooh fashion

Ok so i am only defending "she whose name shall not be spoken" because i am a shopaholic and it's not fair to judge people based on their desire to look good in well fitting clothes. It IS on the other hand, fair to judge people based on their hypocrisy (I am a working class, real american {read white}). So on the one hand i say...Sarah Palin, YOU SWEAR!

but on the other hand i say, do not judge a woman for her Cole Haan boots! Granted i do not exactly love the outfit she chose to wear them with. It might have been better with, like, a sweater dress or something.
The full on suit and suede boots was not working for me. But this photo montage about how they don't know what she spent all that money on because she just bought more expensive versions of the clothes she had bought at Kohl's, i admit, is a bit fucked up. But that's kind of what you get for claiming that you are "real." I mean, I believed it when JLo said it cuz she confessed to her "rocks" and, i mean, she grew up Puerto Rican in the bronx and now she bathes in creme de mer, with no shame. Whereas this is just straight up lying. But I do think this focus on her wardrobe is unnecessary. Because, shit, if Tom Ford wanted to dress me up in his love i would be like, BLAZE! But i don't imagine that the highly homossssssexual fashion industry would ever volunteer to dress her anti-gay ass up. So unfortch for her she had to buy her own wears at Needness Markup, instead of receiving awesome free schwag like Michelle Obama.

So in conclusion, hate the sinner, not the sin...oh wait


Emily said...

the suit with the ribbon weirds me out.

i am not really surprised they spent money on her... this is more than i'd expect but they are really all about putting together an image... too bad its all a facade.

i also think that it's a little ridic to talk about this because she can't just wear a suit and tie every day like obama or mccain. leetle bit of a female thing. oh well. SO not the point. the point is "sarah palin, YOU SWEAR" as you said.

Casey said...

It's just annoying since she so frequently plays the "I'm just simple people, doncha know" card. No you're not. You're elite, just like Obama, so leave him the hell alone when you're wearing those damn boots that so don't go with that outfit.