
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

money money money

as abba once said, "it's a rich man's world." Guys, I haven't been paid in 2 months. 2 MONTHS with ZERO income. my mom lent me some money but for the most part i have lived off of 300 dollars the past 2 months. John Mccain spents almost 3 times my income to fill the gas of his cars. The university doesn't pay us for the month of august, and I stupidly forgot this so i used this massive load of cash i had left over at the beginning of august to pay some credit cards. responsible? yes. Good planning? NO! so whatever few hundreds i had left went to my rent. And initially I had been told i would be payed on the 22nd of September so i was holding out. so i check my account yesterday and...nothing. so i called payroll, and the department had noted incorrectly our paydate. We are actually not getting paid until the 30th. that is a whole week longer that I will have to scrounge and eat ramen. I have actually been eating ramen because i can't afford real food. And don't talk about the party that my house threw this weekend because i didn't pay for it. The worst part about all this is that i HAVE a decent sized paycheck coming in on the 30th along with lots of extra smaller amounts from my various part time jobs. But until then i just keep cutting more and more from my "necessity list." I mean i guess one good thing is that i realize that i can live on dollars a day.

I had this realization about a week ago, and it's gotten worse since then, that despite my "elite" lifestyle or whatever, i actually make probably a little more than the working class people who are so disenfranchised in this election. Anyways i have retirement and 33 dollars in my savings account....The only things i have are a few designer purses left over from my days as a secretary and a burberry trench coat (yes reread that first sentence and mock me). But my point is not to show how poor i am and how badly i budget my money because i think i do a pretty good job given what i'm working with. MY POINT is to say that if our economy plumets, as appears to be the case, i am ROYALLY FUCKED! i have like NOTHING to fall back on. This scares the shit out of me. Is anyone else scared of our impending doom??????

so in conclusion, for me AND FOR YOU please vote for barack obama and volunteer in swing states and make phone calls and talk to those undecided voters. I have been volunteering more so because my man is an organizer in a white working class county and this is how we spend time together. But in addition to that i am getting so much perspective from the experience!! Just to give you some idea of what it's like where he works. Ann Arbor gets about 90 volunteers in the office a day. his county gets on a good day, 5. So i say again, if any of you want to volunteer to phone bank on weekends or weekdays in a white working class county of undecided voters in one of the most important swing states in the country (michigan) PLEASE CONTACT ME. stop talking about doing it and actually do it, people! Also, send me care packages of food and supplies!

1 comment:

Silvs said...

as a compassionate conservative who's voting for mcCain i'll still send you a care package of non-ramen food if you want. i mean i did forget to send you something on your b-day.
to be honest, i am pretty disappointed with both candidates but i think a lot of obama's economic policies are bad. and while this recession happened during the bush administration, it was caused by the bubble clinton and greenspan set up in their administration.
either way, yes i am freaking out about our impending doom and i make well above the average working class family. so i can't imagine what the other like 70% of america must feel.
but still i ask you, why the hell are we bailing out these greedy motherfudgers who caused all this in the first place?
okay, so this is a pretty incoherent post, but i will send you a care package for serious if you want.