
Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas came early this year!

Well the past 3 days have been truly enyoyable to the max.

Friday: Gingerbread house party
Guys, this was actually super fun, like more fun than i even imagined, and trust, me i had really high hopes for this. Cathy of course got too drunk to actually build a house and ended up passing out but ivan and i blazed on thusssssssly. Our theme? Christmas with Jane Austen. I made a Tudor style cottage with thatched roof while ivan made the town vicarage. Basically we were trying to recreate Sense and Sensibility meets Little Women, which was not at all british but i wanted an excuse to make a gazebo in which Meg March could get married.

candy cane gazebo! dah!!pretzel cross! double dahhh!! note the archway under which Marianne and Colonel Brandon can walk under after their wedding!!
favorite quote of the night, Ivan's response to someone accidentally kicking the table: "My Vicarage is not tectonically sound!!"

Then we decided to watch "just friends" which is not a great movie but is an enjoyable movie if not for this scene alone

We all passed out and woke up with coconut shavings on our asses, and then went to eat In n out. so in conclusion...good times!

Saturday night, family christmas party (2 days before actual christmas, stupid yes, but fun):
My uncle has like a totally pimped out game room with a pool table, gigantic tv, monster sound system, chordless magic mic (with 2 mic's for harmonizing!!) and guitar hero with 3 dueling guitars! like HELLO!! Anyways all this technology made me feel really old since i had to do super easy mode to "hit me with your best shot" while my cousin was doing like the highest level wiht some Green Day song that she thought was "a classic." i was all like "what are all these buttons?!" We did some karaoke where i dazzled these kids with some Celine. ummph! But then my cousin's friend started singing that five for fighting song about living to be 100 and being 53 or something. i was like...laaaamee! It irks me how some people just don't understand karaoke. the point is to sing fun silly songs not real songs! Then Alix and i did a rocking rendition of My Sharona where we went so crazy with the dancing that i think i lost 10 lbs. Then everyone left and my other gay cousin and I just sang this really heartfelt version of "i wanna know what love is" by foreigner with full on harmonies. It was so intense that we didn't even have to stand up. We just sat on the couch and just rolled around while belting it out. i looked at him after and i was like "ok seriously, that was kind of amazing." He agreed. We turned around to see a group of 15 year olds staring at us like we were crazy.

us singing Whitney "greatest love of all" which we both agreed was a ridiculously dramatic song. look at the words and you will understand. Can you feel our eeeemotions!??! I'm wearing skinny black jeans and a flowy top AND my bangs are out of control. Seriously, who am i.

me and my nephew and my mom in the corner who is probably saying something philosophical.
dahh!! what is it about baby onesies and trumpette socks that just makes me want to romp around
Sunday Annual movie marathon:
so my cousin and my mom and i usually take a day during christmas daycation to just be gluttonous and go see like 3 movies. We don't sneak in, we actually pay, because my mom thinks it would be sad for a 57 year old to get caught sneaking into a movie. She says we'll understand someday. Anyways yesterday we decided to include my aunt, who i worried wouldn't have enough stamina to hold out the whole day, and my other cousin Fanny. people, we seriously BLAZED like we have never BLAZED before!! we saw 4 movies!$#!

1. The Savages: an altogether depressing movie, but well acted. Oscar worthy but not like the best movie ever. But like i said...totally depressing

2. Juno: awesome and really cute and makes me love Michael Cera even more even though i think he might be underage or like 18 or something. Movies like this make me dream but also make me pissed because guys didn't care about girls like this in real life high school so stop FUCKING WITH WOMEN'S YOUNG MINDS AND MAKING THEM THINK SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS!! Anyways it was reeeeeaaaal good

3. I am Legend - my cousin wanted to see it so we had to appease him since we had made him watch two female oriented movies. It was enjoyable and a blockbuster. obviously not gonna change the world but you was will smith

4. Atonement: guys this surprisingly awesome. I had seen the preview and kept thinking, either this is the lamest preview ever or this movie is actually lame. But it was not! It was really really good. We all agreed it was the best one we had seen all day, which says a lot. And I think that the love scene in the library was quite possibly the hottest love scene i have ever seen. I mean you can't just fast forward to the love scene because what makes it hot is the sexual tension and build up of the first hour or so of the movie. They didn't even show much skin or like titty or anything. but seriously...i don't fantasize much about things like that but, man, it made me think!

All in all we only lost one soldier in the whole battle, and that was because she had a baby she had to go home to. legit reason. Also another reason why you should not have children for a long time because then you can't go see 4 movies in a day, because you have like, responsibilities and stuff. how sad. 4 of us went to dinner afterwards and i was like "guys i feel like i just got off of a night of binge drinking and now i have the munchies." because that was what it felt liek! i was tired and incoherent, but laughing at everything and i was soooo hungry. so we feasted and then drove home.

The most awesome part of the night, and perhaps the weekend, though occurred during our drive home. I looked at the moon which was surprisingly bright for an LA night and noted that there was a weird star like dot like a thumbs distance to the right of the moon. Seriously it was right on the moon. I let everyone know and because i had been watching too much Battlestar i was like "do you think the cylons have found us!" my cousin responded "maybe it's Galactica and they have finally discovered the lost 13th colony of kobol!!!" then my aunt said "guys, maybe it's santa!" We all were a little weirded out, but agreed that if it was indeed some kind of alien spacecraft of a meteor or something that was sent to destroy us at least we knew how to survive as the last people on earth after watching Legend. We all got silent...and fanny goes "hey guys, that's kind of freaky." my imagination started to get the better of me and we all started worrying that maybe while we were off watching movies the world was somehow going to end in 13 hours or something. I told my mom to turn on the radio station to see if like...maybe this was something bad, but the raeggaeton was blazing on so i assumed that it was not the apocolypse.

We got home and quickly googled "astronomy" where low and behold we discovered that this red dot was actually Mars. I guess every 10 to 20 years it hits a spot on its orbit where it reflects off the sun and then you can see it right next to the moon! I mean I don’t really know if this is how it works but this is the dumbed down version of what my 13 year old astronomy geek cousin explained to me.

Anyways the whole moment was really very magicarrr and i'm glad i go got to share it with the ones i love. And now i share it with all 4 of my readers. If you look up tonight you will not regret it because tonight is when it's supposed to be the brightest.

Peace out, merry christmas, and xoxo.
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Emily said...

your nephew is seriously the cutest kid ever. also can you send other ginger bread pictures if you have them, including the crappy pics of my crappy castle?

Silvs said...

dude. seriously. i ruv your bangs.