Sunday, September 30, 2007
halloween approaches
Harajuku teenage girl - a costume completely built and inspired by my herrrrooo kitty backpack. the only problem is people dont' seem to excited about this costume. hmm
Ziggy stardust - i have always wanted to do this but it would require lots of planning and my hair isn't short and red and stuff.
also i was considering doing like multiple costumes and having costumes changes throughout the night. i'm sure this is a much better idea in theory. but i was thinking if i did this they could all be of one theme liek for instance "britney throughout time" or something. i mean i'm not gonna be britney but you get the idea.
so what i'm saying is, you guys have to help me think of a costum eidea!! even though no one ever actually comments. but still HELP!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
monday night shows
Sooooo after the drama that was last night I decided I would have to settle for watching shows online, which I guess when you think about it is not much worse than watchig on my 30 inch tv. But wahtevs!! Someday I will have an awesome tv. This will also be the day that I have an awesome life. This day is not today.
So first thoughts on shows
Heroes – was good but I think I’m getting too old (in tv years meaning I am a more “mature” tv watcher so I don’t get easily tricked by gimmicks) for these cliffhanger mystery shows. I mean obvi I’m gonna stick with it but my heart wasn’t there. Maybe I need to rewatch the first season
The bachelor - didn’t’ get to watch it, and am really bummed about this. I will figure out a way and definitely watch next week.
Dancing with the stars – again, did not get to watch, and again am super bummed. I will watch the recap on Wednesday.
How I met your mother – kind of a lame season opener but I still love the characters so I’m sticking with it. And I always love when mandy
Chuck – so I feel like chuck is one of those shows like alias where the plot is kind of secondary and what you really care about is the character development, and I love shows like this. Sometimes I don’t want the plot to make sense. Like seriously, rambaldi and all that crap. But I didn’t mind because I was drawn into the story of Sydney and Vaughn. So basically what I’m saying is the character of chuck is who you'd get if you combined sydney bristow and marshall and created a main character based on this.
so tomorrow i will discuss gossip girl and why i want to explore tights and mini knit dresses. I will also discuss my new patent leather mary jane heels.
Monday, September 24, 2007
A Mo Named Valentino...why i hate comcast
7:50 - start warming up my dinner and getting excited. put on pijamas. find a comfortable spot on couch
7:56 - cable goes out. i try to remain calm adn fiddle with cables. switch to aux tivo channel and realize it's all the cable not just the cable to our tv. internet also goes out. i begin to get stressed
8:03 - finally get a hold of a comcast rep, realize that i'm missing 3 minutes of dancing wtih teh stars and chuck. start to feel lots of eeeemotions.
8:05 - tell the gay operator, valentino that i really need him to fix this for me because i serioulsy might cry and i cannot have this not work. he tells me "oh honey i will try."
8:35 - after much fiddling he breaks it to me that the cable is out and i will have to wait until wednesday to get a worker to come and fix it. i begin to tear up on the real. the ridiuclousness of htis moment (me being comforted by a queen named valentino because i'm missing teh bachelor) is not lost on me.
i quickly rush out of teh house so as not to let my housemates see me cry over tv because seriously no one will understand. do you all undersatnd? i drive to my friends house and it's liek the flood gates open and everything i have been feeling of late is let out and i just can't stop crying and i am saying to myself "why are you crying??" i get to her house and she is watchign dancing with teh stars but after 10 minutes i realize i am in such a bad mood that even if i were to stay and watch heroes my heart wouldn' be in it. To dvr and tivo owners, you shoudl be able to understand that the though of having to watch live tv at a time when you dont' want to watch it is nausea inducing. i concur that i am a drama queen but i also cannot stop crying. so i get in my car and drive home. i get home and my roommates are all around teh kitchen in silence and they say "sorry tina." i don't watn them to see me cry so i just tell them that i cant' talk to anyone right now and i go into my room, grab my comp, and head to teh coffee shop where i cry and type in front of complete strangers. Seriously what is wrong with me!!
so my point is that...i don't know what my point is. i'm really upset and frustrated. yes i can watch most of these shows online but this is not teh point. i just needed it to not suck today. as i told orges, i'm sure that on thursday when i am drunk i will retell this story about how i cried to a fag named valentino on the phone. and it will go in my repertoir of stories entitled "how my life is like a sitcom."
fall season!!
so here is my monday night schedule which i will watch both in live time and on tivo time.
Live time 8:00 pm - Chuck - i'm kind of excited about this show and i'm not really sure why but it seems shrouded in mystery.
How i met your mother - despite trying to convince a few of my friends to watch this show no one has tried yet which makes me really sad cuz i and many other tv bloggers agree that it is kind of awesome.
Heroes - no words, but i'm not watching it tonight. cathy and i are watching via satellite (gchat) tomorrow night. the fact that cathy has a dvr i think will alter the nature of our relationship and take us to a whole new level.
dancing with the stars - oh holy balls yes!!! dude jenny garth is gonna be on it! i just want to watch one season where the whole cast of 90210 competes against each other. that is all i want in life. i am also really excited about scary spice because HOLA!! how awesome is that.
the bachelor - after many years of watching alone with no one to share my pain with i gave it up last year. Lo and behold it's the year that everyone starts watching. so fuck that! i'm picking it up again this year for more awesomeness and hatred of my gender.
so i think that is all for tonight. i will write more (hopefully daily?) to discuss my thoughts....and my what ever else i want to watch on any particular given day. i'm so excited i've been having mini anxiety attacks and heart burn. i'm gonna take a zantac and put on my sweats. smell ya later homies!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
quick updates....more to come later
- my assumption that the catholic church was where i would find all the eligible latino grad student men was severely incorrect. Realization, latin men are liars, much like poets only more intentional. one word, LIES!!
- if latin men are liars, poets are liars, med students are crazy, psychologists are crazy, and engineers are crazy then really who can i date? blue collar men perhaps?
-the party was awesome. will try to find pics somewhere.
- unvieling of my birthday party theme for next year. BEST PROM EVER!! i might even rent out a hall! will expand on this vision later.
- beaner's coffee, a real coffee chain in ann arbor (i know! only in the midwest) is changing their names in their attempt to expand beyond the midwestern states. idiots.
- why do i feel stigmatized by my white professor? why do i kind of have inappropriate throughts for my japanese professor? that is the quesssssstion.
-taking non education related psych courses makes me realize that i'm not actually dumb, i just don't know much about educational psych. But in my social and cultural classes my questions always get chosen as the "thought provoking questions of teh week." this makes me feel a little less inept than i usually fee.
- today hugo said to wendy, fern, and I "if someoen gave you 2 million dollars (this all related to the show we were watching) would you quit grad school." Before he even finished teh sentence we all said "yes!!" i think this is very telling and kind of sad. and then he said "well waht woudl you do if you didin't have to worry about money" and i actually said "be a preschool teacher." this was rather an odd realization for me. I will have to think about this more.
Monday, September 10, 2007
1. honey! i love good honey! who knew! i bought some honey from this very shady man who had jacked nails at the farmer's market a month ago and i've been eating it with Fage and it's pretty good
2. I also really love heirloom tomatoes. Jen and I have been feeling very bored with ann arbor, probably because she's been here for like 10 years or something. so we have all these plans for things we want to do. one of our projects is we're gonna start doing crafts, screen printing, painting and such. another thing is that we are gonna go to the farmer's market on saturday mornings and buy things that we have never cooked with or eaten. so last week we did heirloom tomatoes and we bought some fresh mozarella and fresh basil and i am here to say, there is a thing called an hierloom tomatoe and it's awesome. somethign to do wiht natural cross pollination or something
3. jenny Lewis. her music is really good. She is also the daughter from troop beverly hills which just makes me think she is even more awesome.
well i thought i had more things to list but i cant' think of them right now. so anyways i will tell you about friday and how i'm throwing a mexican independence day party. i figured i'd light the whole house with catholic candles and such and maybe make some food, but here is the best part. instead of just dressing normal i am opting for a costume. shock of all shockers. but for serious it's gonna be awesome. I am going for a modern variation on emiliano zapata
so all in all it shoudl be an awesome party. i'll make sure to have someone take pics. i'm hoping for some new facebook pics to put up.
speaking of mexicans, i decided a while ago to start going to spanish mass as a way of getting in touch with the latino community that i want to do research on someday. well as it were i am not only becoming a bilingual catechist but somehow i got offered the position of "hispanic ministry-coordinator." i know!! so this will be my second part time job on top of my studies. this is how i roll. when i dont' have every minute of my day booked i tend to waste it doing stupid shit. but if i fill it up somehow it helps me schedule better.
wow this entry is really boring. i'm tempted to erase it. but then it won't make sense later when i put up pics of me as a mexican revolutionary. sorry guys
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
so my friends finally moved in. good times all around. I mean i've been working or sleeping most of it but i can feel the good times coming. We might have a mexican independence day party next week. "que viva!" But i forgot what i't slike living with people. LIke you have to deal with couple PDA, on the real, or how everyone in the world cooks with garlic and stinks up the house making me want to vomit. But these are things that come with the territory. Seriously what is it about garlic. I personally can't stand the taste or smell but i think it's cause my dad used to hate it and so he passed on this phobia to me that if i ever ate it no man would want me. I feel kind of bad for the people who date me cuz my one big rule is always "no garlic." thye are all probably bathing in garlic now in celebration. So anyways my room smells liek garlic and the other day my hands smelled liek ti for no reason. nasty.
so yeah...we're going to thailand!!!!!!!!! so bomb! we had been talking about it for a while but i never thought we would actually do it but Ivan agreed and we are tagging along with another group of friends, leaving on christmas day and spending new years there. to be honest i know nothing about thailand. But i know this is my first trip to asia and so that will knock out a continent. 3 down...4 more to go. can you imagine me and ivan frolicking under the stars at a moon party!! my only fear is that i will meet some shady hot australians, have a one night stand, they will slip something in my bag and i will end up like claire danes in brokedown palace, trapped in some thai jail.