
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Holy cow!! Puerto rico is officially a week away and i have been working on an itinerary and doing some research which is getting me (and the rest of the gang) very excited. Like for instance we are going to see a cockfight at the only arena in Puerto Rico that allows tourists. and cathy is going to throw down bets while smoking a cigar and wearing a panama hat (her fantasy, not mine).

And then cathy and i are going to fly kites from here!!

and then we are going to beach here wiht the gays, because apparenlty this is where the gays kick it.
and then we're driving through the motherfucking cordillera!!
and then we're gonna hike through the rainforest! the only rainforest in the united states! and i am going to wear my north face cool max top that i bought a while ago on sale because i'm all athletic and shit!
seriously!! i am jealous of myself! And i have gotten some really bomb shopping deals like a james perse t shirt for 10 dollars at a consignment store. And a mini jacket for 10 bucks at the macy's 1 day sale, originally $104! And some espandrelle wedges for 40 bucks, 50% off! And some yellow patent leather flats for liek 30 bucks also 50% off. I am so jazzed, i want it to be here. And on friday cahty and i are finally going to watch the "planet earth" series on her parents giant HD tv. unlike asians, mexicans do not buy high tech cool new things like HD tv's so i have yet to watch anything on HD. And tehn we're going to some stanford young alumni 80's mixer thing which should be tons of fun (sarcasm). And then i'm going to see this guy from high school perform at a coffee shop so i can say "look at me now ye, who never asked me to prom! look at me now!"

Will let you know how it all goes.


Unknown said...

when you were talking about the sales and discounts you found shopping, you sounded like you know who...

damn! can i really buy a panama hat? will you allow that?

Anonymous said...

you can't just go around flying kites with just about anyone!