
Saturday, May 19, 2007

confession # 42343343

there are some moments of living alonedome that are truly fantastic. one such moment is coming home from a night out wiht friends, completely trashed, and eating trader joes microwave jaipur vegetables and cous cous alone on your couch while watching sarah jessica parker on oprah, tivoed. few things can top this. one thing that possibly is better...popping in your sex and the city dvd and watching someone whose love life is more fucked up than yours.

*****BTdubbs, need to buy more sex and the city, stat.

*****Dubbs dubbs, whoever has my SAC season 3 disc 3 please give it back. it sucks to be left hanging.

so what i'm saying it, despite all of my bitching, there are moments that i would not trade.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

comparable moment that illustrates the awesomeness of solitary living:
coming home at 4:30 am, trashed, and thinking, "man, look at that sky! the sun will be up in less than an hour, i'll stay up and watch it," and then sitting on your balcony, having the last beer of the night, watching that sunrise. sigh. life is good!