
Friday, February 23, 2007

liek Papi like daughter

holy shit i just finished a fucking 25 page paper and it is detailed like WHAT!! it's a draft so i'm sure it will be torn apart and whatevs but the poitn is i'm done. Too bad i missed teh mall and all that good stuff. I really have to shower because i realized that i have not showered in 4 days. I don't know what is more gross, the fact that i havent' showered, or the fact that i had to "realize" it. who am i??? I also have a giant pimple on the side of my mouth that looks like a cold sore but IT'S NOT! I SWEAR!! and everytime i see someone i want to say "i don't have herpes!! i have a blemish!"

Anywyaas i locked myself in my dad's office since 7 this morning writing this paper because it was the only part of my sunny house that semi reminded me of my basement in ann arbor. Isn't it strange how i came ot LA to escape and yet i spent my first day here in a michiganesque type room?? i find it odd. Anyways i realized something. I take after my dad alot in many diferent ways, but more importnatly we have a really similar aesthetic. this is not to say that either of us have particularly good taste but we both liek really wierd things that have special significane to us, like my coconut heads. basically we collect crap, is what i'm saying. His office is pretty neat and he has lots of wierd paraphenalia on the wall like machetes, marathon medals that he won, mexican art, lots of tequila on a shelf, and a wierd don quijote painting. He has this obsession with don quijote, and i'm not really sure why but i think it's part of what makes my dad cool to me, that he has a 3rd grade education but has read don quijote in 2 languages.

so as i was sayiing this painting is cool.
I do'nt knwo where my parents bought it or at what point my mom kicked it out of the mian part of the house and relegated it to my dad's office but the story goes that when you get really drunk (or high as was the case of my parents in the 70's) don quijote starts to look like he's running toward you and you are in hell. One of my cousins tried to get my dad to give him the painting for his house and i was liek "what the fuck!! giving away my stuff! no dude that is my painting!" the goal is to someday put that painting in my office when i get older. I know it kind of looks liek an eyesore but i feel liek you have to see it in person and know my dad to see how cool it is. maybe it's just me.

But the fact that we both like crap is not the main reason that i think we are similar. I went to use his desk and it was basically covered in crap (paper, receipts, old mail, calendars and day planners tha thave never been used, organization boxes that are unused). As it were it turns out my father in all his order is just as big a mess as me, which is nice to know. but what i think is strange is that his desk looked exactly like my desk, exactly! and he leaves wierd notes to himself that i can't read and that i'm sure he never looks at. So the odd thing is that i didnt' really spend that much time with my dad growing up since he worked alot, so these habits and ways of living my life are kind of more nature rather than nurture because this is so very not my mom. So i find it odd that the person i am most like is the person i spent the least amoutn of time with. We both have minor cases of OCD, we are both control freaks and get really stressed when things dont' go our way, we are both messy but anal, we both hate feet. the list goes on.

so anywyas i'm gonna go shower now, and wash the caked dirt from my body. nastiness.

but here is a little something for you all to read.

"uncle bernie"

he looks really old in that picture...and really mexican. In fact that picture of the wall in his office and teh bright reds and orages make it look like i live in chuntarro city.

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