
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

things i hate

Guys so yesterday i was browsing through my space as i am apt to do on nights when i am procrastinating and i came upon this girl from my high school who i was not yet friends with. I noticed that her profile was blocked and only viewable by her friends. damn! why do people do this! Clearly i requested her friendship right then and there. the reason i was curious about her was not that i really cared but rather that she was one of my least favorite people of all time in my teen years and so i really wanted to see what she was doing as a means of mocking her. Clearly, i am a horrible person but I have come to terms with that, so you should too. Anywys she's still dumb and becoming a model in taiwan or something. Anyways what i wanted to talk about was her profile.

"I am about the BIGGEST DORK you will ever get to know or meet and I will be the first to admit it. haha. I love to read, eat junk food, watch movies all day long, take naps, write music, and sing. Music is my ultimate passion. I hope to touch people's souls with my work. I recommend 'The Alchemist' for inspirational reading material. It happened for me.... I was going to school for my business and marketing degree when I landed the opportunity to travel the world and make good money (SCHOOL MONEY! YEA!) I freelance work for a number of model/talent agencies. I'm also living my I mentioned before. When all this excitement dies down then I hope to go back to school and finish the two years that I have left. Maybe then I'll be able to find my prince charming, get married, and have a family of my own."

now there are just so many things wrong with this. First off, no, you are not a dork! i am a dork! you, you my friend, are not a dork. I hate when people who clearly mocked you for being a dork in your youth and made you feel liek a wretched and horrible person comeout with shit like this that they are the worlds biggest dork. fuck you! first of all dorks are smart. yeah, that's all. Call me caddy but goddamnit i did not work my ass off this hard in school for some stupid bitch to claim that she is a dork. Maybe i'm just bitter because i spent 8 hours in the library today, AND I LIKED IT. That my friend, is being a dork. BTW, reading the alchemist does not make you a deep person, nor does it make you a lover of books. shut up. Also college is not for finding a husband and getting married! it's about learning! god i hate women! i hate them all.

Also this alchemist thing got me talking wiht emily earlier and i was noting how she should write a column titled "smart things that dumb people like for the wrong reason and smart people like for the right reasons." The alchemist is one of those things. dumb people LOVE this book. and it's a fantistic smart book but to say that you are following your personal destiny by modeling in taiwan i feel really doesn't quite grasp the purpose of the book. Another thing that we discussed was "gone with the wind" and how dumb people always list this as their favorite book and it is a great book but we were trying to figure out why so many dumb women love this book. And we realized, it's probalby because they think it is a love story when in reality it's not and they think scarlet and rhett are mfeo and they are but because they are both HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS. And scarlett herself is a wretched woman and that's why you love her. And thus, dumb people like that book for the wrong reasons and smart people like it for the right reasons. another example, the show "the bachelor." dumb people think this show is so romantic and all about finding love. Smart people think it's a horrible representation of how fucked up women and men in our society are that they don't actually know what love is. it's more than a fucking wedding people!! And i think the producers of this show are smart enough to see that and mock the people on teh show judging from the women they choose and the editting they do. Other things include but are not limited to "eternal sunshine of teh spotless mind" "garden state" and the broad category of "foreign films" and usually what they mean by foreign films is "life is beautiful." you, yes all of you, i hate you all. Especially you roberto benigni

onto more calming positive imagery. today during my 8 hour shift at the library i found a carrol that had a window to campus and it was It was dark and dreary and i was on the 4th floor so all i could see were the orange and red tops of trees and the wind was blowing the leaves everywhere and there were red brick buildings all under the trees and it was magical, like hogwarts or something. and i felt like really, deep, or something.

** edit another thing to add to teh list: "breakfast at tiffanys" dumb people think this is a love story. he's gay people!

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