
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

leaves and shit

to my peeps on the west coast:

You know how when you got to college and all of the east and midwesterners kept mocking you for not knowing what a real fall is like? and you kept wondering, wow do leaves really fall and form giant piles into which you can jump and frolick etc etc. Well I am in it, officially. fall that is. I am in fall. And it's true, there are a lot of leaves, everywhere. But coming from the very pristine well cleaned up area of Palo Alto i keep thinking "why doesn't someone hire a gardener to clean this shit up! preferably a mexican one!" Let me tell you a the little realities of fall. There are leaves, but there is also rain and rain plus leaves just means lots of wet piles of orange crap. there is also wind and cold. It's kind of dirty, i will be honest. Basically what i'm saying is those people lied to us and made us feel liek we were misisng out. To them i say, Give me palm trees and sun all year round!!

ok ok maybe i'm being too harsh. The other day i was taking a nice run through a park (i know!) and i saw this tree and it was all kind of beautiful orange and red almost as though I was moses and this tree was on fire telling me the ten commanments (religious imagery, anyone anyone?). And i stopped my jog and went up to the tree and pulled off a leaf, the most beautiful leaf i could find. Well you know what? That leaf was not that beautiful apart from the other leaves. It kind of just looked dead in my hand. And that's when i realized, that leaf outside of the context of that tree and that park and that moment meant nothing. It was all of that together that made it beautiful. And i don't know how that all relates to fall and my opinions on it, you tie it all together but there it is.

Today it's a bit chilly, odd really since yesterday it was 75 degrees! But according to the weather this thursday is set to have snow showers. snow showers! What the hell is a snow shower? is this different from let's say...snowing or a snow storm or really cold rain? these are legit questions i think. oh ann arbor, you slay me with your cunning ability to throw me for a loop. What will you do next!

on that note i leave you with pics of this past weekend. I'm sad to say i had left my camera in my office desk which is why there aren't more full body shots of me. it's tragic really.

here we have a waist up of the costume, which has been discussed at length. what is horribly unfortch is that you couldn't see the lower half of my body. so sad. If you look closely you can see my fanny pack. also interesting to breasts look HUGE. must be an angle thing. This is early in the night...drink 1 maybe?

ah yes...drink 2. i believe i took the "groomsman el super" flask from my fanny pack and spiked it a bit. it was hella weak. Nishi went as a punk and Fernando went as super P man. We thought that was lame and told him he shoudl just say he's "Pedro the mexican." Pedro the mexican and Drew the Pool boy
I think some people refer to this as "bringing sexy back."???
yes yes i think so

Me and Asian Jenn, before she and fernando snuck off to make out on the side of the building.
Pedro and Hugo guest starring as "pepper"
This is one of those pictures that really needs context but that you were way too drunk to remember the context. for instance...what was i singing? clearly it was very eeemotional. I am going to bet my money that it was an 80's song for sure.
I distinctly remember at this point hugo yelling "do the chicken dance, yo, do the chicken dance!!!" beyond that it's a bit of a blur. Also important to note, this shall be my face for the rest of the pictures. clearly i was very excited.
Hugo looks pissed. like someone told him that Taco Bell had gone bankrupt. what!!!! say what!!key to note in the next 2 fernando's face goes from "i'm about to pass out" to "what time is it guys i'm getting tired."

and that was kind of it for the night. Nishi's camera was dying of battery which is why all the pics look really rushed. cuz we kept yelling "quick the battery is gonna die! quick!! oh wait it didnt' die yet??? ok ok quick another before the battery dies!!"

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