
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i'm SAD

So last night i was planning on seeing "the science of sleep" with a few people and they all flaked on me. I think fernando is hooking up wiht someone on the DL because he was being all cryptic when i axxed why he couldn't make it like "oh i have to study" and i was liek "um the movie is at 9:15 on a tuesday night, what are you studying" and he was liek " ok so i have to go." shady. what a fuck. Anyways i invited ozan and josh but as it were i forgot that they are old and only check their email a few times a day so they got the email this morning. so last night wa sthe final night it was showing and i was contempmlating going alone, which is kind of pathetique, but really do i care? i think not. Anyways i edned up not going out alone and staying in and watching my tivoed dancing with the stars and gilmore girls and i just felt know just so....blah. And this morning i'm feeling blah again and i'm realizing....oh my god hwat if i have SAD. What if i have seasonal affective dissorder!! Apparently this happens when people from sunny places move to places that have no sun and so not having sun gets their bodies all fucked up and they get real depressed. What if i have this!! i mean granted i don't actually feel depressed i just feel lazy, and granted i wouldn't technically call LA a sunny place. But seriously. I was mocking my crazy office mate the other day (i use the term crazy quite literally not in like the "oh she's so cute and crazy!" kind of way) because she was talking about how her doctor approved her sun machine and so she's going to have a machine that she sits in front of and it will give her fake sunlight so she can be peppy again, which is super upsetting to me because she's already fucking peppy enough and most of the time i want to smack and her and tell her "chill the fuck out!" ugh see! are you seeing the negativity i am giving off right now! god i so have SAD it's not even funny. alright i'm going to shower, eat and embrace the day. and then i'm going to go drink wine later for very cheap.

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