
Friday, July 14, 2006

Mario lopez is latino???

Wow i'm watching this really ridiculous episode of Saved by the Bell: the College Years. It's hilarious! the plot is that finally in college Slater realizes and acknowledges that he's Latino when he takes a chicano studies class. In an attempt to get a hot chicana chick he decides to go to a protest instead of going on a ski trip with Zach, and along the way he finds his inner Messican. But zach gets pissed at him because zach wants to go to lake tahoe with Leslie, his new kelly, but leslie won't go with him unless someone else goes and that someone else would have been Slater. Anyways this is a terrible plot line and here is an actual conversation that is had between Zach and Slater.

Zach: "fine fine you can tell Pancho villa i'll never forgive him for ruining my big chance with Leslie!"
Slater: "you tell Mr. White Bread if his biggest problem is a cancelled ski trip then he ought to open his eyes and see what's going on in the real world."
Zach: "Why did you have to pick this weekend to be a Chicano"
Slater: "look this isn't about a girl. it's about me. til two days ago i didn't eve know my real name was sanchez! my dad changed it to get into the military. he felt he had to hide his heratage to be accepted. I don't have time for this i have to go to a sit in!"

Wow Slater is white for Sanchez. Well isn't that rich.

Wow now they are at the sit in and the cops are gonna come and arrest them!! College really always brings out everyone's inner chicano. Oh wait now Zach is fighting for the chicanos and fighting for his friend. oh got in the final scene where they make up after fighting Zach says "I hope we can still be amigos." why?????

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