
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

FYI i'm feeling like a real person again. I'm getting things done, excercising, planning my cousin's baby shower, cleaning the house for pay obviously. Apparently i'm going ot SF to visit David next week for a few days before my mom and I go to Europe. It' s a last minute thing but I'm excited. In other travelling news my mom bought me new luggage yesterday. It's a samsonite shiny nylon/poly blend. you can't really see the color but i eemagine it's the color of a shark. And it has swiveling wheels so you can stand it up and turn it around in a cirlce!! I mean it's no Louis Vuitton trunk but it will do for now. hey what movie is this from "swimmy, swammy, swoomy, swanny, swanson!! swanson!! Oh Samsonite! I was way off."

I went to target today to buy some supplies for the shower. Since i dont' want to waste money on stupid things that people will throw away i've decided that instead of floral bouquets we should have orchids so that people can take them home. And then instead of like garland and shit i'm getting baby onesies and bottles and rubber duckies and stringing them together and hanging them up. It's either gonna look awesome or like white trash. i'm not sure yet. But anyways i found this purse at target for so cheap. It looks like a fake marc jacobs bag and I decided i'm gonna use it as my carry on bag for europe. That way i don't have to take my nice purses and worry that they will get dirty or stolen or anything. Anyways fashion mavens classic advice of the clothes horse. Keep abreast of fashion trends, buy a few key expensive pieces, and then go to places like target to find cheap knock offs. If you wear it well no one will know.

1 comment:

Silvs said...

"what was all that one in a million talk?"

dumb and dumber. movie classic.