
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

dawson's update

So i am currently 4 days and over 30 hours into my Dawson's Creek binge fest. I have watched season 3 and am currently on episode 15 of season 4, and i must say I am seriously disappointed. Anyone who remembers the originals and has seen the dvd version of these seasons will understand. One very major problem is that i turn on Dawson's in hope of hearing the sweet melodious musings of Paula Cole only to get some unintelligable Jann Arden song. What the fuck, i say! Dawson's Creek is synonymous with "do do do da da." Apparenlty the producers did not have enough money to buy the rights to the Paula Cole song for DVD distribution. In additon to this all the other great music that appeared on the show during key scenes has also mysteriously gone missing. A little sleuthing around found this, a message from the producers:

The DVD set will contain new music not heard during the actual broadcast airings. While Dawson's Creek fans will surely be upset by this, unfortunately this had to be done. Faced with the exorbitant prices of licensing music just for the DVD release, the show decided to replace some of the songs. This allowed Columbia/Tri-Star to release the set at an affordable price for all fans.

Any avid fan knows that Dawson's was about the music! you can't change the music! It was music that moved you to tears! There are scenes that i still distincly remember watching when i was 18 and i remember the songs and how they made me feel. In fact, i will make a confession. I have a whole folder on my computer entitled Dawson's music, which is both actual music from the show and music which came out later but i could imagine being a background song on the show. Point being in addition to wrongly editing out the siren that is Paula Cole they also took out like every good song that was ever on the show as background music. That music was meaningful because it was relevant to the late 90's. Like how they have Five for Fighting "superman" in the background, an absolutely horrible song but a relevant one nonetheless. And now i'm watching the show again and the music is not moving me and it's namely because the fucking producers of the DVD's didn't have the budget to pay a little bit extra for the rights of the original songs.

Bullshit! The odd thing is that many of the songs that are actually on the dawson's creek cd that you can buy at the store are not actually on the dvd version of the show. Again i exclaim, WTF! I actually remember watching season 2 with Silvia and we loved the scene where Joey and Dawson were reuniting after one of their many fights and the sprinklers go off or it's raining, point being there is water. So then they reunite and kiss and the water is hitting their faces and you hear in the backgrouns

can you hear me,
am i getting through to you....
kiss the rain!!!"

Anyways Silvia and I had been reminiscing about this moment and we decided to watch it on dvd to relive our youth and then at that moment there was no Billie Myers in the background. it was someone else singing some unknown, meaningless song. This is a key moment and damnit i want "Kiss The Rain"!

Other great 90's artists that have mysteriously gone missing on the dvd's are New Radicals, David Gray, Pete Yorn, one hit wonder Wheatus, barnaked ladies. What is more Dawson's than barenaked ladies! i don't even like them but damnit i want to be taken back.

They took out Heather Nova's great classic "london Rain" which is from both Dawson's and Felicity, another great soundtrack show. I mean with a line like "i'm coming home to you, I'm alive....I'm a mess." how can you replace that? Fucking Heather Nova defines late 90's teen drama. I mean all i have to say is at least they left "Daydream Beleiver" on there otherwise i woudl have flipped my shit.

that is all for this rant. if you love dawson's like i do you know what i'm talking about, and if you hated it then many apologies for this long entry.

I leave you with a moment.

"I remember everything"

as do i, as do i

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