oh peeps, what is up. i am in grading hell reading some of the WORST research papers ever. It's finals, yes we end super early. I swear i question whether english is these kids' second language. My favorite was when a student kept using the world "literally" in situations that were not at all literal, but were in fact the complete opposite of literal. oh undergrads...you slay me. like "relationship, medications, and therapy all litearlly work hand in hand." oh really!! do these things have actual hands!! i think not!
life updates, quickly. relationship seems to be going quite well. Tomorrow i find out if i got this SUPER awesome internship in dc, which would double as both helping me professionaly and allowing me to live in sin with my man for the summer. Also i would get to live on the other coast for the first time ever, AND i'd be able to visit my gay boyfriend, ivan and my peeps in new york. holler!! Otherwise i have a teaching gig lined up here in ann arbor. And if i actually end up staying here the plan is to learn to play guitar, take a sewing class, and write that whole dissertation thing. Oh and go antiquing of course.
i think i've been putting too much into this job thing though. It's with the pew hispanic center who basically do ALL of the demographic work on latinos in the US, and this summer they are running a new study lookign at latino adolescent identity development. HELLO!! this is like my thing!! So anyways it's sort of perfect in that it's a very important organization and i'd get to hone my stats skills, which are pretty shitty at present. I had an interview last week and tehy called my advisor and she said they were definitely impressed by me. So it's nice to know that i'm being seriously considered. All this weekend i have been lighting candles and putting them on the alter where my dead relatives are. i acknowledge that this is creepy but i'm Mexican, and this is what we do. Anyways i've burned out 3!! I started telling myself that if i got this job it woudl be like God letting me know that i was on the right path, and if i didn't get the job than i shoudl keep searching for whatever my path may be. I waiver constantly on this PhD thing and right now i'm on the pro side but i could very easily become con any day now. So i just sort of feel like i need some direction! Anyways i do believe in in God and sort of like, things working out as they should for some reason that maybe we don't know yet. But sometimes it's just nice to get reminders that you're doing the right thing and i really need one of those now. Not to mention that fact that it would just be so awesome to get to see Nick everyday for a few months and live a normal life.
pray for me guys!!! or send me good vibes!! whatever is your thang